Act Of The Heart

Director's Message
“I welcome all those who have taken interest in the Website of Lyantonde School of Nursing and Midwifery. The School opened this site for communication with the world and be in the company of the world of technology. The web site will have posting of as much information from the School as much possible , such as the staff and the student’s research reports for people’s consumption, advertisement, activities that take place in the School.”
Mr. Mugume Benon
Founding Director
About Our School
Lyantonde School of Nursing & Midwifery was established to respond to the increasing demand of Midwives & Nurses in Uganda , East Africa and the sub-Saharan Africa. The school was conceived in 2012 after a community consultative action that discovered various skill sets that were demanded as a basis to change the lives of economically compromised societies in this part of the world, a people having been undermined by HIV and AIDs pandemic (1982 to date) the second place on planet earth where HIV was identified after 1981 in the US.
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