Lyantonde School of Nursing & Midwifery is a private School of Nursing and Midwifery that is aimed at creating extra-ordinary competent Nurses and Midwives with ability to facilitate increasing access to basic health care services to the rural Ugandan population …
Lyantode School Of Nursing and Midwifery located in Kyabazara Village, Kirowoza Parish, Lyantonde sub-county, Lyantode District.
Lyantode School Of Nursing and Midwifery located in Kyabazara Village, Kirowoza Parish, Lyantonde sub-county, Lyantode District.
Lyantonde School of Nursing & Midwifery is a private School of Nursing and Midwifery that is aimed at creating extra-ordinary competent Nurses and Midwives with ability to facilitate increasing access to basic health care services to the rural Ugandan population …